Kids and Colic

There’s nothing like the sound of a colicky baby. If you’ve experienced this in the past, I hope that sentence didn’t send shivers down your spine. Colic is characterised by intense crying and fussiness for 3 or more hours a day, which conveniently starts just about the time you are getting ready to sit down and relax for the night. The symptoms associated with colic typically peak at around 6 weeks old and disappear by 3- 4 months, but the time in between can be one of the most stressful for any parent.
Kids and Colic
The exact cause is still unknown. The development of the gut, or digestive system, appears to be an important factor. Also, stimulation to their still- developing nervous system may play a role. While love and patience may be the best “medicine” for dealing with colic, reasearchers have also found Chiropractic care may be beneficial. One study found that Chiropractic adjustments provided over 2-hour decrease in crying times per day. If you’d like to know more, ask your Chiropractor today.
What’s Important
Take Care of Yourself: Don’t forget to take care of yourself during this challenging time. Get as much rest as possible, eat well, and seek support from loved ones. Remember, you’re doing the best you can for your baby.
Dealing with colic can be a trying time for parents, but it’s essential to remember that this phase is temporary and will eventually pass.
Your Chiropractor is part of your Parenting Support Team, don’t hesitate to ask for help relating to Colic or other similar issues with your child.